


The registrar's office is responsible for the scheduling of over 45 academic classrooms. Priority for scheduling classrooms is given to academic courses and instruction.

协助安排学术课程, contact the academic scheduling coordinator in the requesting academic department.

All student organizations must be registered and in good standing with Student Activities, 321-674-8080. Campus departments may also request classroom space for meetings or other events. 所有的房间申请必须通过 客房申请系统 (虚拟EMS)至少在事件发生前72小时.

Room requests for organizations not affiliated with 亚洲博彩平台 must be made through the 会议和活动厅 at 321-309-3836.


注册办公室负责一般教室池中教室的使用和安排. 协助履行这一职责, 日程安排专家将提供每个学期的生产日期和期限的时间表.

每个部门负责提供一名协调人员与调度专家进行互动. Requests for classrooms must be made by the academic scheduling coordinator from the department. 教师, instructors and staff must make requests through this coordinator.

各系亦须立即通知排课专员取消课程, 教室的变化, 被列为TBA的课堂作业, and instructor assignments no later than the end of the second week of classes.

学术部门负责确定课程设置并及时输入时间表信息, 不得迟于指定的截止日期, 包括研讨会日期.

The registrar’s office is not responsible for the interactive online schedule. Any questions regarding its content should be made via an IT work request. 准确的信息可从PAWS或Banner获得.

The scheduling specialist will open all classes to the maximum enrollment of the room they occupy, 或者使用最大容量策略. Registration will not exceed that number for any reason. If more seats are required, additional sections or a larger room will be needed. 经常, 与教授进行讨论,找出他们需要什么来完成他们的教学目标,这是很好的. 有时这与上面的一切相悖.

State and city safety regulations determine the 座位 capacity of a room. Departments are not to over-enroll students beyond the maximum classroom capacity. If it appears that student demand will surpass the scheduled room, 各院系应在班级人数过大之前联系日程安排专家,以确定是否有备用空间. It is unacceptable for students not to have appropriate 座位. 不合适的座位违反了建筑规范,给大学的形象和管理招生的能力带来了不良影响.

管理费用等家具和设备, 没有调度专家的批准,椅子和桌子不能从一个房间搬到另一个房间. 如果一个房间没有足够的设施来满足预定的最大注册人数或设备需求, the instructor should contact the academic scheduling coordinator for assistance. The scheduling specialist will attempt to locate alternative space, 如果有必要的话, and contact the appropriate department to remedy the issue.


  • Rooms that seat 100 or more must have at least 60% enrollment.
  • Rooms that seat 60 to 100 must have at least 75% enrollment.
  • Rooms that seat 50 to 60 must have at least 80% enrollment.

Credit-bearing classes will take precedence over all nonclass-related seminars or events. The scheduling specialist will schedule all noncredit events, 学习小组, 分组会议, 在所有学分课程被分配到一个房间后,将根据学术调度协调员的要求使用EMS系统.

每学期,教务处都会向各院系提供上一年的课程报告. 学术调度协调员将更新课程设置并将报告返回给调度专家.

需要特定设备或座位配置的课程具有初始调度优先权. 在安排教室时, 安排专家将尽一切努力,以整个大学的空间使用要求为目标,提供所要求的住宿. Building preference may be noted and specific attributes for classes that require special features, 比如电脑, video, 座位, 地图或其他学术材料必须在发送主时间表时由部门注明.

学生人数超过70人的小组课室的分配是一个独立的调度程序. 课程表协调员在完成课程表数据录入时,负责通知课程表专家有关班级组成的情况. 学术安排协调员负责通知所有受影响的各方的任何变化.

排班专家将使用注册历史或特定课程的预期增长来确定教室的大小和位置, so enrollment limits should be carefully reviewed and adjusted. 各学系应以上一学期实际入学人数为估计入学人数, 估计增幅不会超过15%. In cases in which the department projects a greater than 15% increase, 理由必须以书面形式提供.


一旦注册开始, 只有教务长可以批准影响上课时间/天数或课堂分配的时间表更改. 这种要求必须以书面形式提出. 在提交请求之前, 教师应告知学生可能发生的变化,并鼓励任何可能因变化而影响上课的学生,并尽快通知他们. 学术安排协调员负责通知所有受影响的各方的任何变化.

In the event of an emergency evacuation of a classroom or building, the scheduling specialist will attempt to relocate classes to temporary meeting rooms as necessary. 学术安排协调员负责通知所有受影响的各方的任何变化.

班级规模和设备要求是涉及学分授予学术课程纠纷的决定性因素. The scheduling specialist will make every attempt to mediate room conflicts and develop a solution. 然而, in the event that conflicts cannot be resolved at this level, 有些情况需要院长们的参与, 教务长和/或教务长办公室.

教师 and instructors are responsible for sharing the pass time between classes. Each instructor should make every effort to vacate the classroom in a timely way, allowing the following instructor to set up and prepare, as well as allowing the finishing instructor to make final remarks and gather materials. 这段时间没有所有权. 所有教师应鼓励学生在办公时间开会,而不是在休息时间. If conflicts develop, instructors should first attempt to resolve the concerns between themselves. If the result is unsatisfactory, department chairs will mediate the conflict.

A "common final" exam is two or more sections of the same course being given the same exam, 不管导师是谁. 排课专家制定了这个时间表,并将在退课期结束后(退课的最后一天)提供。. 这些考试安排在上午十点半开始.m. 到下午12:30.m.期末考试周的周一到周四. The registrar’s office does not schedule review sessions during final exam week. There is no rescheduling of final exams due to instructor preference. Policies are already in place for time conflicts during finals.

If you have a critical need, all smaller rooms on campus are available from 10:30 a.m. 到下午12:30.m.期末考试周的周一到周四. Common finals take up the large rooms during this time and no other finals are scheduled. 请记住这一点, committee or faculty meetings; thesis or dissertation defenses; or special make-up sessions.

当教室被确定为学生或教师无法进入时,教室分配可能会改变. 教师一旦发现自己或学生进入教室或进入教室有任何障碍,应立即通知排班专家. 排班专家与无障碍资源办公室密切合作,确保教室和教室位置对残疾学生和教师完全无障碍.

部门控制的教室是由部门完全维护的房间,由该学术部门和调度专家共同安排. 学术部门在将课程分配到该部门控制的教室方面具有绝对优先权.

预期该部将充分利用该部控制的教室和会议室的座位容量. Department-controlled classrooms are not available for general use or student events. The 会议和活动厅 does not schedule department-controlled classrooms. 反过来, 学术部门必须与调度专家一起安排教室以外的任何使用,以确定可用性.

校园里唯一由院系控制的教室是内森M. 比斯克商学院.


American Association of Collegiate Registrars and 入学s Officers

家庭 Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended (FERPA)

